Domestic Asbestos Survey

Asbestos Risk Assessments & Inspections for Domestic and Residential Properties in the North East

We provide Domestic and Residential Asbestos Surveys including Management, Re-inspections, Pre-refurbishment and Pre-demolition surveys

Local & Independant

Based in the North-East

Fully Qualified & Experienced

As a Landlord, a Duty Holder, a Managing Agent, or an Employer, you have a legal duty under the Asbestos Regulations 2012 to protect tenants, visitors’ and employees from exposure to asbestos.

Based in Stockton on Tees, Middlesbrough, Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle, our team of accredited Domestic Asbestos Surveyors are fully qualified and highly experienced to carry your Domestic Asbestos Survey or Residential Asbestos Inspection and help you create and implement an appropriate and effective asbestos management plan for your domestic or residential property.

Asbestos Surveys including Management, Re-inspections, Pre-refurbishment and Pre-demolition surveys

There are three types of Residential Asbestos Survey or Domestic Asbestos Inspection:

  • Management Survey (previously known as type 2 surveys)
  • Re-Inspection Survey (Required annually if ACM’s have been previously identified)
  • Refurbishment & Demolition Survey (previously known as type 3 surveys)

Most of our work is for compliance purposes whereby Landlords, Managing Agents, Mortgage Lenders and Insurance Companies request a Management or Re-Inspection Survey to ensure the property is free of Asbestos, or the asbestos is controlled.

Alternatively, a building contractor may require Refurbishment or Demolition Surveys to ensure the property that they are about to work upon is free and safe from Asbestos.

The purpose of the asbestos inspection or Domestic Asbestos Survey is to identify the location, type, condition and extent of any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) present within a building/property.

  • Asbestos can be found in any building built before the 2000 (including houses, factories, offices, schools, hospitals etc) and causes around 5,000 deaths every year.
  • Breathing in air that contains asbestos fibres can lead to asbestos-related diseases e.g. cancer of the lungs and chest lining.
  • These chronic diseases can take 15-60 years to develop, and then it is usually too late to treat!
  • Workers who carry out building maintenance and repair are particularly at risk. Around 20 trades-people die each week from past exposure to asbestos fibres.
  • Building work cannot be carried out on a property that contains asbestos until the trades people have seen the Asbestos Register.

If an asbestos inspection or survey has previously been carried out, the property owner will have an ‘Asbestos Register’ that identifies the type of Asbestos and where it is located within the building.

There are 3 types of asbestos- blue, brown & white. All of them are classed as carcinogenic, but blue & brown are the most hazardous.

To accurately carry-out an Asbestos Survey it would be extremely helpful if you could provide us with some detailed information relating to the property, information required includes:

  • Type of Asbestos Survey or Inspection required
  • Is there an existing Asbestos Register
  • Size and age of property
  • Is there a floor plan (or a fire plan)
  • Current and/or future use of building
  • Access to all rooms including lofts etc

To order a Domestic Asbestos Survey or Residential Asbestos Inspection in Stockton on Tees, Middlesbrough, Durham, Sunderland or Newcastle or if you would like more information, simply get in touch by giving us a call or sending us a message.

Asbestos Surveys including Management, Re-inspections, Pre-refurbishment and Pre-demolition surveys

Our Accreditations

To ensure you receive the highest standard of Domestic Asbestos Survey & Inspection, our company is accredited and monitored by the following trade and industry bodies.

Energess Property Surveys Certified Energy AssessorsEnergess is a member of the North East chamber of commerce and institute of domestic energy assessors
Energess SURVEYS for Energy Performance Certificates, Legionella Risk Assessments, Commercial and Domestic Property Surveys

How To Order A
Domestic Asbestos Survey

Need a quote for a Domestic Asbestos Survey or Inspection? Call or email us today!

As leading suppliers of Domestic Asbestos Surveys in the North East, we carry out a Residential Asbestos Risk Assessment and Inspection to ensure that your domestic property is Asbestos Safe.